Friday, 13 September 2019

Best guide for writing a blog posts worth reading

Today am going to talk about writing blog posts worth reading.

Content writing is king when it comes to internet marketing, writing blog posts worth reading is one of the problem many begginner bloggers are facing, because creating useful and quality content takes time and skills.

But today I will give you some great but simple strategies that I have used to help me improve my writing and making my content much higher quality.

Though is not compulsory to have high writing skill before writing a quality blog posts.

You don't need to be a grammarian just do things easily nobody is making things difficult for you so don't make it difficult for yourself

Should you do it yourself or hire a freelancer before you can be writing a blog posts worth reading?

Some day ago a good friend on Facebook ask me this question

He said for me to get at least 40 good and quality content on my blog should I hire a freelancer or do it my self you know am a beginner in this field???

But I just ask him this question did you get enough time to write 3 post in a week? Did you want to improve your writing skill? and are you knowledgeable about your niche and your audience?

if the answer is yes then I will advice you to write it your self

Tips for writing a blog posts worth reading

Here are some tips listed below to become an expert in the Field of writing quality blog posts worth reading

Write the way you talk:-

Before you can become an expert in writing a blog pots Worth reading you will need to write the way you talk

In blogging it’s not your big vocabulary that makes your articles outstanding, it’s the ability for your audience to read and understand your content

Though there are many bloggers outside there who write big big grammar in their blog post but still yet they are not fit

As I have said earlier nobody is making things difficult for you so don't make it difficult for yourself

Just forget you are writing a blog post write as if you are talking to someone next to you and feel free to write the way you want this way you are making things easier for yourself just make sure that your audience understand the massage you are passing across to them

Develop your habit of reading:-

Try to read and read

Just because I say you should write as you read doesn't mean you should trow away your reading habit
It important to read so that you can expose yourself to a variety of literary styles. When you do not know the meaning of a word, search for it meaning Get in the habit of learning five new words everyday. Try to use them in your daily conversations not only in writing blog posts but when chatting with friend.
You will be surprise at how you have develop your vocabulary and communication habit by the end of a month.

Do indept research before writing a blog post:-

Always perform indept research before writing. Writing indept content is not only for your blog but it will make you look as if you know what you are writing about and that way you get More credit as a blogger

Try using mind blowing tittle:-

Using a mind blowing title is extremely important.

You know that people do go to search engine to search for information.

When the title includes the terms that browsers are searching for, they will click on the titles and read the content.
If you have a great article with a bad title, it will be overlooked.

Try to use concise and catchy titles that related to your content

Using punctuation marks and other writing rules is not important:-

Its not compulsory to be good in using paragraphs, and quotation marks before writing a quality content. Many bloggers are not good in using it either

Just make sure that your content is easy to understand and readable.

All those writing rule are not important just focus on what you are writing and make it easy to understand

Read and re edit your post:-

Now that you have finish writing your blog post.

present your self as an audience that visits your blog.

reread your Content and you will surely notice some mistakes you have done

nobody is perfect after you notice the mistake then you reedit you content

Conclusion on writing a blog posts worth reading:-

Though in Internet marketing content is king

writing blog posts worth reading does not mean you should be a grammarian or throw away your daily language.

Just focus on what you are writing

make it easy to understand.

see it as if you are talking to someone next to you.

just make sure you don't make things difficult for yourself.

Now go to your blog sit back and apply this tip has just revealed to you and see the differences

Don't forget to share.sharing is loving

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